The Redwood City/San Mateo County Chamber of Commerce has announced its award winners for 2018 and will honor them at the 121st Annual Dinner at the Pullman Hotel on Friday, Feb. 1.
The awards dinner will honor the Chamber’s 2018 award winners, including Janette D’Elia of Jay Paul Company (pictured above), who earned Business Woman of the Year; the San Mateo County Transit District, which won the Cornerstone Award; and Swinterton Management & Consulting and LEMO Foundation, which earned the Golden Apple Awards.
Janette D’Elia of Jay Paul Company, Business Woman of the Year:
D’Elia, the senior vice president and chief operating officer at Jay Paul Company, has been a superhero both at her company and in the community.
“Janette has lead by example in the male dominated field of commercial real estate through her hard work and dedication to her employees and understanding the unique challenges women face in the workplace,” said Maia Harris, special projects manager at Jay Paul Company.
D’Elia “continuously seeks to transform a traditionally rigid work environment into a place where working mothers can thrive both professionally and personally,” Harris added.
Meanwhile, D’Elia has successfully negotiated over 8.5 million square feet of commercial real estate leases with such companies as Google, Facebook and Amazon, secured approvals for over 9 million square feet of prime commercial real estate projects and also developed 8.5 million square feet of commercial real estate, the Chamber said.
The three-time honoree as a Northern California Woman of Influence is also being recognized for directing Jay Paul’s “significant community engagement in Redwood City. Her efforts on behalf of Jay Paul have benefited organizations “such as Boys & Girls Club, Police Activities League, Sheriff’s Activities League, Magical Bridge Foundation, Redwood City Education Foundation, Reading Partners, St. Francis Center” and many other city and county programs and events.
San Mateo County Transit District — 2018 Cornerstone Award:
The Cornerstone Award “was created in 2016 to honor individuals and/or organizations for their ability in making a meaningful and lasting impact in their communities, devoting time, talent and resources to community development and philanthropic initiatives.”
This year, the award goes to the San Mateo County Transit District, the administrative body for San Mateo County public transportation system and programs such as Caltrain, SamTrans and Redi-Wheels paratransit.
The agency’s elected leadership, executive staff and agency personnel are “working tirelessly every day to improve aspect of mobility in San Mateo County,” which is important for local businesses.
“Their work is essential to businesses of all sizes in Redwood City and San Mateo County in order to move people and goods,” said Josh Pierry, chairman of the board for the Redwood City-San Mateo County Chamber of Commerce.
Swinerton Management and Consulting/LEMO Foundation — Golden Apple Awards:
The 23-year-old Golden Apple Award was created to recognize the impact that business makes on the educational community through their generosity and commitment to local public schools, non-profits, and other education-focused programs.
Swinerton was recognized for a 16-year partnership with the San Mateo County Community College District that have made possible programs such as Cañada College’s Promise Scholarship. Their employees have volunteered for a number of fundraising events and programs, are active on local nonprofit boards, and the company managed the design and construction of campus facilities projects including new athletic fields, libraries, wellness centers, and theater renovations, according to the Chamber.
“With their Playmakers Program for student-athletes, LEMO Foundation has been instrumental is providing students the skills, resources, and inspiration to succeed in middle and high school, and continue their education through college,” the Chamber said. “Their program has enhanced educational support for low-income youth, reduced truancy and increased school safety through active intervention, and increased community engagement by partnering with other local non-profits.”The Golden Apple Awards will be awarded at the Chamber’s 121st Annual Dinner on Friday, February 1, 2019 at the Pullman San Francisco Bay Hotel in City.
A final award — the chairman’s Person of the Year Award — will be announced at the Feb. 1 dinner, which starts at 6 p.m. with a no-host reception followed by the dinner and awards at 7 p.m.
To register for the event, click here.
See the flyer for more information.