Work on pedestrians improve at the intersection at Middlefield Road and Woodside Road is set to begin this week, according to the city.
The project, expected to be completed early summer of next year, includes upgrading the traffic signal system at the intersection to incorporate new sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian signals and roadway lighting.
Construction begins this week with the installation of drainage structures and storm drain pipes across Woodside Road, which is expected to last throughout this month and into next month, the city said.

After that, sidewalks will be built on Middlefield, south of Woodside, and traffic signal work will take place.
“The goal of the project is to increase pedestrian safety and mobility by providing safe pedestrian access across Woodside Road,” according to the city.
The project is being funded by $1.6M in city Capital Improvement Program dollars, along with $340K in federal grants.