Redwood City filmmaker Tony Gapastione was profiled in Climate last August, at a time when his short film “Neighbor,” a provocative mini drama about human trafficking, was released. Gapastione entered it in the Silicon Valley Film Festival and “Neighbor” was accepted and shown at local high-tech campuses in mid-December. (Check out for details.) In real life a pastor at Peninsula Covenant Church, Gapastione, 42, is channeling his creative energies into two new productions. One is another indie film, “SELF I.E,” which will debut in February. The story about what happens to a rather shy young girl who composes a glamorous Instagram identity for herself was shot over three days in early November at Canada College, on a SamTrans bus and other local locations. Fundraising is also going on for a feature-length film he’s involved with about a San Francisco man on a mission to help the poor. If you want to see “SELF I.E.” for yourselfie, go to Screenings and other updates will be posted.

Sequoia Girls Basketball Team Scores a First
The Sequoia High School girls basketball team is still savoring the satisfaction