Those before-and-after shots of your home project could win you a beautification award

in Community/Featured/Headline/Infrastructure and

If you’ve done something to make Redwood City more beautiful this past year, or you’re thinking about it, then think about applying for the 2018 Mayor’s Beautification Awards.

Your beautification work does have to be on property you own: your house, an apartment building (if you are the owner), your business or your mobile home.

The Mayor’s awards recognize the work city residents and business owners do to make a good place to live, a beautiful place to live as well.  That work could be a nice paint job – some trees out front – a garden – a major facelift of your building.

The deadline to apply is June 30th, so even if you haven’t gotten beyond the dreaming stage yet, there is still time (just look over the rules first).  And if you need some ideas to get you started, take a look at the 2017 winners (including pictures before and after).

Here are a few basic rules:

  • You’ll need to take some pictures (before AND after).
  • It can be work you did yourself, or work you hired someone to do (so if you’re a klutz, don’t despair. Just don’t hire one).
  • And (very important), whatever beautification you do, has to be visible to the rest of us (so no walled gardens, sorry).

You can look over all the rules, or just go ahead and apply here.

Photo above, one of last year’s beautification winners, is courtesy of Redwood City.