Utilities going underground on Middlefield Road to make way for pedestrian/cycling improvements

Utilities headed underground on Middlefield Road to make way for pedestrian/cycling improvements

in Community/Featured/Headline and

Overhead utility lines and poles on Middlefield Road in Redwood City will be moved underground as part of a project set to begin in October, according to the city.

The so-called Middlefield Utility Undergrounding Project aims to underground unsightly utilities in order to provide improved pedestrian access on Middlefield Road from Main Street to Douglas Avenue. Expected completion date is September 2019.

“On July 23, the project was awarded to Seton Pacific Construction and City staff is finalizing the construction schedule,” the city stated in its blog with updates on capital projects.

The project is part of a broader plan to widen sidewalks, add protected bike lanes, street trees, pedestrian lighting, benches and green infrastructure along Middlefield, a city gateway.

At its meeting tonight, Redwood City’s council will consider approving contracts for the Middlefield Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Project to Golden Bay Construction, Inc. of Hayward for its lowest bid of just over $8 million.

The project would also construct several stormwater treatment/bioretention areas to help filter and reduce pollutants from stormwater runoff. The traffic signal at Chestnut Street and Middlefield Road would be upgraded to include bicycle signals, accessible pedestrian signals and an emergency vehicle pre-emption system.

“If approved and awarded, the project is anticipated to begin construction towards the beginning of next year (2019), and will take approximately one year to complete,” city staff said.

Image: City of Redwood City