‘Epic light show’ in Redwood City set for early showing for kids

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Don’t miss this “epic” holiday light show coming from a home across from Red Morton Park in Redwood City.

The light show choreographed to music at 752 Valota Road plays at 7 p.m. nightly during the holiday. But this Sunday, Dec. 23, the show will play a little earlier so folks can bring their kids, according to hosts
Cody and El Voellinger.

The show runs from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and organizers encourage parents to bring snacks, blankets and chairs to set up and watch in Red Morton Park.

Closest parking lot is at 1455 Madison Ave, the Veterans Senior Center.

There’s a bit more detailed information on the show at the site, CaliforniaChristmasLights.com.

“Synched light show with fireworks and 20 foot mega tree,” the post states. “We get tons of drive-bys, but encourage people to park and watch from across the street so they can view and hear the songs coordinated with the lights!”