Redwood City Library to make robot deliveries

in Community/Featured/Headline

The Redwood City Library will soon be using robots to deliver materials to local seniors, persons with disabilities and others with disability issues that make it difficult to visit the Library.

The city received a $99,760 grant from the California State Library to help fund the pilot program, which will total $252,781, according to city documents. Starship Technologies, Inc., which has operated delivery robots in Redwood City since 2017 as part of city pilot projects, will be providing deliveries for the Library. The company is pitching in $100,000 to run the new Library program, while the Library will contribute $53,021.

In May, Redwood City Council approved renewing a pilot program for up to 24 months allowing permitted operators to offer autonomous robots for deliveries in the city.

This Spring, Mountain View Public Library implemented a pilot project using robots to collect materials customers want to return one day per week.

As state in our May report, Starship’s plans include upgraded robots and implementing a grocery delivery program in partnership with local markets and restaurants.