CityTrees teams with school district on volunteer planting at Adelante Selby campus

School district teams with CityTrees on planting at Adelante Selby campus

in Community

Thirteen “climate-appropriate” trees were planted in early October on the Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School campus in Atherton, according to the Redwood City School District, which partnered with the nonprofit CityTrees on the project.

RCSD Bond Programs Director Don Dias led the project, while District Master Arborist Ron Eicher of Davey Trees selected the trees, which included Southern Live Oak, Island Oak and Interior Live Oak.

“We selected oaks for this project because they are very well adapted to our climate,” said Eicher.

The trees were planted in an all-volunteer planting event.

“Adelante Selby is a beautiful campus with three magnificent heritage Valley Oaks that are hundreds of years old and several stands of Redwoods,” said Diaz. “We maintain these trees and want to continue greening our campuses.”

CityTrees’ President Filip Crnogorac participated in the all-volunteer planting event and noted that the trees provide shade while cleaning the air and helping teachers “start conversations about the role of trees in regulating climate.”

The trees join a number of recent projects benefiting Adelante Selby, including solar panels, school kitchen upgrades, updated restrooms, exterior painting, expansion of the student drop-off areas, and security measures, the District said.

Photo courtesy of the Redwood City School District