Ring doorbell cam captures mountain lion in San Mateo

Ring doorbell cam captures mountain lion in San Mateo

in Community

A Ring doorbell camera captured a mountain lion in a San Mateo neighborhood at about 7:53 a.m. today, according to the San Mateo Police Department, which publicly released the video footage.

“A resident of Oak Valley Road advised SMPD officers of a confirmed mountain lion on a doorbell camera recording,” police said. “The camera captured a mountain lion briefly enter into its field of view and then quickly leave the area. Officers located track marks that indicate that the big cat departed into the wooded and hilly creek area nearby.”


While it would be rare for a mountain lion to approach a human, SMPD shared safety tips to remain safe. They include:

  • Do not feed deer. It is illegal in California and it will attract mountain lions.
  • DO NOT APPROACH a mountain lion if seen, especially one that is feeding or with offspring. Most mountain lions will try to avoid confrontation.
  • Avoid hiking or jogging through wooded areas when mountain lions are most active—dawn, dusk, or at night.
  • Keep a close watch on small children when hiking or traveling in or about wooded areas.
  • Do not run if you encounter a mountain lion. Instead, face the animal, make noise and try to look bigger by waving your arms; throw rocks or other objects; pick up small children.

For more information about mountain lions, click www.keepmewild.org.