In recent weeks, several people in San Carlos have reported being struck by water beads shot by a toy gun known as a “Gel Blaster” or “Orbeez Toy Gun,” according to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office.
Orbeez are small gel water pellets that are loaded into a toy gun and can be discharged rapidly, the Sheriff’s Office said.
The suspects, possibly juveniles, ride in a vehicle while discharging the toy gun at random individuals walking down the street, mostly during the evening, according to Sgt. Scott Mueller.
“These incidents have occurred throughout the city, but mainly in the downtown and surrounding areas,” Sgt. Mueller said. “Witness statements have provided limited suspect details but suggest five juvenile suspects, driving an unknown make/model vehicle have been involved in multiple assaults.”
Attacks have also been reported throughout the county including in Millbrae.
The attacks appear similar to the Orbeez Challenge on TikTok, a viral social media trend reported on last year.
If apprehended, the individuals responsible could be charged with a misdemeanor, depending on injuries sustained from the attacks.
The Sheriff’s Office encourages anyone with information to call (650) 363-4911 or the Anonymous Tip Line at 1 (800) 547-2700.