San Mateo launches online permit center

San Mateo is among local cities to have implemented new online systems for property owners seeking building or planning permits.
The systems allow property owners to apply for a variety of permits from the safety of their own home, helping to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, officials say.
San Mateo’s new Online Permit Center allows property owners to apply for a building or planning permits and receive virtual building plan reviews online. Property owners can schedule virtual appointments with plan checkers and can access written instructions and short “walk-through” videos on the web page.
This new system is much faster than the traditional in-person service at City Hall, officials said, and allows the city to complete a range of residential, commercial building and planning permits as well as accept, review, receive payments, and issue planning entitlements and building permits all online.
Belmont also recently implemented an online permit center, e-TRAKiT, which allows property owners to complete tasks online associated with their property, applications, permits and projects. Permits available online are express residential building permits, electrical service panel upgrade, furnace replacement, water heater replacement and tree removal.
To apply for a permit through the City of Belmont, visit their Permit Center e-TRAKiT website. To apply for a permit through the City of San Mateo, visit their Online Permit Center website.