Cañada College open house goes virtual

While it’s difficult to hold an Open House when college campuses are closed to instruction, Cañada College is poised to hold one, anyway. A virtual open house, that is.
All students who will be attending or plan to attend Cañada College in the summer or fall of 2020 are invited to an online open house on Thursday, May 14 from 6-8 p.m.
Attendees can learn about careers, transfers, and graduated admissions. Additionally, they will receive information on the Promise Scholars Program, which provides incoming full-time students with two years of financial and academic support, not limited to textbook assistance, food and transportation vouches, and counseling and career support. The Promise program is open to first time students who are taking a minimum of 12 units per semester.
Participants can also use this event to meet peers, faculty, and counselors, get assistance with the application and registration process, and register for summer and fall classes.
This is a free event. To register, click here.