3 Redwood City School District campuses get new solar panels

These three Redwood City School District schools will now largely be powered by the sun.
In late February, the school district held ribbon cutting ceremonies for solar panel installations at Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School, Clifford School and Roosevelt School. The panels were funded by the California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39). Prop. 39 was approved by voters in 2012 and allocated new tax revenue paid by out-of-state corporations toward energy efficiency and clean energy projects in public schools.
Students helped cut the ribbons and “powered on” each solar panel, the school district said.
Due to the solar panels, the district said it will save money on electricity. The panels will offset electricity consumption by 91 percent at Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School, by 95 percent at Clifford School and by 92 percent at Roosevelt School, according to the district.
“The carbon dioxide offset is equivalent to planting 11,874 trees per year,” the district said.
Another benefit: The panels provide shade over playgrounds and parking.The California Clean Energy Job Act was approved by voters in 2012 and allocated tax revenue paid by out-of-state corporations toward energy efficiency and clean energy projects in public schools.