2nd Silicon Valley Jazz Festival coming to San Carlos this weekend

World-renowned trumpeter Jon Faddis, an Oakland native and Dizzy Gillespie protégé, is set to perform at the 2nd Silicon Valley Jazz Festival at Burton Park in San Carlos this weekend.
The free festival featuring 13 groups and school jazz bands will take place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 13, and Sunday, Oct 14. The groups will bring a wide range of styles to the event, which last year attracted over 2,000 fans. Attendance this weekend is expected to exceed last year’s, organizers said.
“Silicon Valley is known for its innovation and creativity. Those attributes extend far outside the boundaries of the technology industry into the arts,” said Scott Dailey, festival chairperson. “This festival provides an opportunity to showcase local and world-class talent. We hope the uniqueness of Silicon Valley shines through.”
The festival was founded by Dr. Pascal Bokar Thiam, musician and faculty in the Performing Arts and Social Justice Department of the University of San Francisco. It is sponsored by local businesses, foundations and individuals under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club of San Carlos.
“Organizers of the festival are working to extend the activities and educational aspects throughout the year,” according to a festival statement.
For more information, go to www.svjazzfest.com.
Following is a line-up of performers:
Saturday Oct. 13
Tierra Linda Middle School
College of San Mateo
Rebecca DuMaine & Dave Miller Trio
Bleux Chemistry
Commanders — USAF
Scott Dailey Trio & Friends
Sunday Oct. 14
Sequoia High School
Ralston Middle School
Woodside High School
Ann Mack & Trio
Jon Faddis
Afro Blue Grazz Band